Home Again, Home Again

Home Again, Home Again

Cory  Doctorow Cory Doctorow


The kids in my local bat-house breathe heavy metals, and their gelatinous bodies quiver nauseously during our counseling sessions, and for all that, they reacted just like I had when I told them I was going away for a while — with hurt and betrayal, and they aroused palpable guilt in me. It goes in circles. When I was sixteen, and The Amazing...More
Crime Thriller & Mystery Novel Science Fiction

Cory Efram Doctorow is a Canadian-British blogger, journalist, and science fiction author. He is an activist in favour of liberalising copyright laws and a proponent of the Creative Commons organization, using some of their licences for his books. Some common themes of his work include digital rights management, file sharing, and post-scarcity economics. Doctorow served as Canadian Regional Director of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America in 1999. His ‘Down and Out...’ was nominated for a Nebula Award, and won the Locus Award for Best First Novel in 2004. ‘0wnz0red’ was nominated for the 2004 Nebula Award for Best Novelette.

Publish Date : 13 Mar 2023

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Chapter : 6


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