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14 Ways to Boost Self Esteem

Our thoughts become our life.We get what we believe in . I think,"I Can" then I do it.I find "I am Loved"  so I seek love in your eyes! Self Esteem is  evaluating One's Own Worth.It isn't How other people see us but, how we see ourselves?It includes beliefs about our own self.A HIGH Self Esteem makes us feel 'Confident' and generates a positive energy into us which further manifolds our capacity to make new achievements.On the other hand,a LOW Self Esteem makes us a negative person who is always anxious about how to manage things and is never sure about his judgments.

Not sure about your Self Esteem sense here is a checklist:-

embarassedDo you believe in certain values &principles and have your own choices?
embarassedDo you trust your Own judgments?
embarassedDo you carry a "Can do" attitude?
embarassedYou feel you deserve good and capable of working it out.
embarassedYou have your own aura and not let others enter it.
embarassedYou have a positive Self Dialogue" and understand yourself whether or not the world around opposes?

                                               If your answer is "NO" then you carry a "LOW"self esteem. This article is for you continue reading.

 Ways to Boost Self Esteem

Understand your Competencies & develop them
Each one of us is blessed with a quality. I may be not strong in academics but I am a dancer or I sing well.Let us understand the competencies we carry and develop them rather than wailing about on a single weakness.This is a magical tool to generate a positive mind.

Be a Learning Organisation rather than a Perfectionist
Perfect people are hard in  accepting  failures but learners never mind in case they happen to do something wrong.They are determined in not repeating it again.That's the attitude to positive thinking.

Accept Failures &Rejections as a part of life
Sunset is followed but a sunrise and that is the rule of nature.Without failures the worth of success can never be experienced.So accept them as apart of life and let go.Work hard to achieve success and that is your only task best will soon follow.

Treat yourself on your Achievements no matter how small!
Your wins are your own.Boost your competencies  by treating yourself on each of your achievements.Make it habit and soon success will become your habit.

Practice Soul feed
Yoga,meditation ,reading or spending time in nature anything will do.Do what you love and or are passionate will ignite your soul and you will become the best version of yourself.

Surround yourself with Positive pals not Critics
Cultivate good relationships and soon you will be healthier and happier as ever.Good friends accept you the way you are ,uplift you &care for you.They generate confidence in you and decrease your stress levels.Stop spending time with people who make you feel bad when you spend time with them. 

Be Compassionate to self
Never be a critic to your self .Don't feel guilty for everything wrong around. Be a friend  and explain to self. Be defensive if required and protect yourself from negative thoughts.

Learn to say 'NO'
You cannot do everything and make everyone happy at the same time. Have your own values and choices and learn to say no if someone compels you off beat.Respect yourself and your opinions.

Turn Complaints into Compliments
When you feel bad about something don't ignore it.See how you can turn it around.Work hard and  don't feel shy to accept compliments.You have worked hard for it.You deserve it.

Engage in healthy Self Dialogue
Unsubscribe to the mean voice in your head.You can do it!Engage with yourself in a healthy talk where you are compassionate to self. Explain like a child to self where you have been wrong and how you can work it out.

Embrace yourself
Love your self ,date yourself and never get a feeling of loneliness rather do things you love or relax.

Sweat out negativity with exercise
Exercise is the best way to clean your mind of negative feelings. Be it a brisk walk or a workout just sweat it out!Soon you will feel fresh and with a new wave of energy that defines better ways to your problems.

Be aware of your limitations
No one on this earth is perfect realize this and accept your limitations.It is the best way to deal with the problems that arise out of it.At the same time cheer yourself on your things you excel in.

Retrain your mind to  think positive
Mind is like a computer reprogram yourself.Use words "I can","I am able to".Think and use words that evoke strength.

You are a soul set on fire and no can stop you from achieving what you want.You are the one to set your limits.So dream big."One day" someone will look at you like the way you look at the Moon ! 







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