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GOOD BYE 2020 (a year we will never forget)


               At the starting of the new year 2021 with new hopes in mind, on thinking about the last year 2020 I just can use only one word to describe the whole year "roller coaster!" The whole year was full of ups and downs.

                The main event of the year 2020 was the covid19 pandemic. There is no need for me to give details about the coronavirus and the pandemic. As today on the face of all the citizens of the world, there is only one word that is, "corona."Surely no one would be unaware of it whether it's a small child or an adult.

                Many people think that covid is the full stop of life, but according to me, it is not a full stop it is just a comma that has given us time to think. I admit that due to the covid 19 pandemic many people have lost their lives, but as there are two sides to a coin there are good aspects of the year 2020 too. If our attitude will be positive we will be able to see its positive aspects. And we will surely be able to turn this "disguise into a blessing".

                The year 2020 was like a self-check. before 2020 life was normal, but in the year 2020, we came to know that how powerful are we. Our nation started manufacturing things that were bought from other countries before. In 2020 even the superpower USA came to know that nothing is permanent...............

                Another biggest thing that happened in the year 2020 was when the lockdown was imposed the people who worked 24 into 7 got some time to spend with their family. Before 2020 people were so busy that if they were asked the last time they took dinner with their family they would probably be having no answer!!

                Many people started new activities like singing, preparing new food dishes, dancing. many people made their childhood hobby live! Many people came to know about their hidden talent which probably most of them were not knowing

                We all are having family groups in our moile but rarely anybody is talking in the group but in the year 2020 by playing the online game, though online the whole family members came close to each other. according to me the wonderful days like 2020 will never come back again............!

               People are thinking that due to the covid pandemic the education of the children throughout the year 2020 deteriorated. that's true but if we think positively the children started taking online education that made our aim of Digital India possible

              Another thing in 2020 the pollution index felt drastically before 2020 or at the starting of 2020 it was very hard to breathe in the cities like Delhi. the rivers became clean due to no tourism this is the thing that happened that did not happen this many years though using crores of money And our dream of Swach Bharat came into existence.

            First time in history the people of the whole world came together. All countries are different from one another some are ahead in culture some are ahead in the economy but the year 2020 made them all together thanks to 2020...

            All the people became one and said to this 2020.

            ​"2020 we realized that you are tough

​            But my darling we are tougher."

​           After every long night, a day will come it might take some time but there is no night that can be forever we should never forget this. and the starting of the sunrise has started with the first sunray of the vaccine.

           At last, Life hurts sometimes life heals sometimes life is neutral sometimes but it is life. it is time to stop thinking about the past and look forward to the future with new hopes and aspirations.

           Someone has really said well that,

           ​"​I Like the dreams of the future,

           ​better than the history of the past."


           ​once again,

​​           BBYEE 2020

​           WELCOME 2021

​           A happy new year full of opportunities and chances

           ​BE HAPPY IT IS LIFE... ..... . ... ... .. ... ????



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