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Alpha, Bravo, Charlie..!

"Alpha to Bravo..! Alpha to Bravo...! Alpha to Bravo...!!!" yelled the radio transmitter and lost in the static sound.

"Alpha to Bravo.. Respond... Alpha to Bravo...." again the static.

After few such unsuccesful attempts, "Alpha to Charlie.. Alpha to Charlie.."

"Charlie to Alpha... responding sir.. Over..."

"Charlie, Bravo's not responding..! Trace him physically on location 223,465 and convey him a message. Over."

"Positive. Please dictate the message sir. Over."

"It's a good news for Bravo. He is now father to a baby girl...! Over."

"Great news, sir. I will trace him and get back to you sir. Over and Out."


Alpha's radio transmitter received a call few hours later, "Charlie to Alpha... Charlie to Alpha... Please Respond.. Over."

"Alpha to Charlie. Listening. Over."

"Bad news sir. We just found his dead body. Bravo is a martyr now. I am sorry...!!!!!"



Dear Readers,

Did you notice? This Alpha, Bravo and Charlie might be a part of any nation's force. May be India's, may be US's or China's. Alas, they can be Pakistani too. Will it change your feelings while you read their story again??!!

- Hardik Raychanda (Dt. 30/12/2019)


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