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1. Humility

You must be probably wondering why I took up the topic of Humility as my first article. Well the reason is quite simple. All my life I have found out that being humble is one of the most priceless and liked quality by all.

This quality further made an impression on me when I came across a video where Captain America was being praised for his character. The important thing here is that he is a character who has shown humility even though he is a super strong and respected soldier.

All of this came in when he was compared to the new Cap in Marvel's series The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. Often these are the small areas in our life when we need to realise that humility should be an inherent quality in us.

If everyone of us respects the fact that everything we have is God's blessing and learn to be grateful for it, people will soon learn the importance of being humble. Also, you might have heard or seen this sort of a message where people say that they respect waiters at a restaurant, because they are just people trying to earn a living and NOT their servants.

Therefore according to me being humble is one of the most important traits of a successful leader, and a wholesome personality.

People who are humble are loved and obeyed by all, which is very important for a person at a higher authority.

So next time you get angry at a subordinate or someone who works for you, remember that everything you have is God given and can be taken just as easily. Remember that not everyone is as privileged as you and therefore show gratitude to God by being humble to others. Trust me it will work wonders over time!

Rahil Kagdi.


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