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World Cancer Day

 February 4 is World Cancer Day.

Cancer is a disease caused by the uncontrolled growth of cells in the body.  In fact, cancer is not an infectious disease.  More than two hundred types of cancers are known today.  Cancer can occur in any cell, in any tissue and in any organ.  The common link in all cancers is the growth of uncontrolled cells.  Cell division usually occurs in a systematic and controlled manner.  New cells replace old cells as the body needs them.  Sometimes cell division occurs when new cells are not needed.  Tumors are the cells that make up these extra cells.

      * Types of cancer *:

* Cancer tumor (benign tumor) - This tumor can be easily removed.  Such benign tumor cells do not grow out and form new cancerous tumors in new organs.  These tumors are not fatal.

 * Malignant tumors* - Malignant tumors are formed from tumors of irregular and uncontrolled growing cells of cancer.  These nodules spread to the surrounding tissues and organs.  The cells that come out of the tumor enter other organs through the lymphatic system or through the blood vessels.  Therefore, cancer spreads to different organs from the original organ in which the malignant tumors are formed.  When cancer is transmitted from one organ to another, the cancer cells in the other organ are the same as the cancer cells in the original organ.  For example, if lung cancer is transmitted to the brain, the cancer cells in the brain are the same as the lung cancer cells.

* Types of cancerous tissue *:

* Cancer of connective tissue Tissue tumor or sarcoma.  This type of cancer occurs in muscles, bones and blood vessels.

* Cancer carcinoma is a type of cancer that occurs in the tissues of the breast, colon and lungs.

 * Leukemia and lymphoma is a cancer of the bone marrow.  Sometimes it is found in the lymph glands.

           Cancer can occur at any stage of life.  Some types of cancer occur in young children.  For example, cancer of the retina cells.  Most types of leukemia occur in childhood.  Cancer of the breast, prostate-gland, and large intestine occurs in adulthood.

* Main types of cancer *:

* Carcinoma - The name given to a cancer that originates in the skin or in the tissues of the lining of other internal organs.

* Sarcoma - Cancer that starts in bones, cartilage, fat, muscles, blood vessels or other basic tissues.

* Leukemia - a cancer that originates in the blood-forming tissues (e.g. bone marrow).  This causes a large number of abnormal blood cells to form and mix with the bloodstream.

* Lymphoma and Myeloma - Cancer that originates in the body's immune system.

* Central Nervous System Cancer - Cancer of the tissues of the brain and spinal cord.

* Growth of cancer *:

It takes many years for the tumor to be noticed by X-ray therapy or direct examination.  There is a difference in the rate of growth of cancerous tumors depending on the type of tissue.  A benign tumor is a cancerous growth in one part of the body.  Nodules of benign tumors in one place and in the mantle do not usually spread to the surrounding organs.  But such tumors are more likely to grow and spread to neighboring organs, so they are surgically removed.  Some cancers are in one place and some in certain areas.  Nodules in certain areas are more likely to spread.  Spreading nodules are metastatic, forming new nodules in the distal part of the body through the lymphatic vessels and blood vessels.

* Cancer Treatment *:

Surgery is the first treatment and radiation or chemotherapy.  Since there are many types of cancer, the same treatment cannot cure cancer.  Today, 58 percent of cancers can be cured or kept under control due to accurate diagnosis and daily addition of new drugs.  In 63% of cancers, the patient can lead a normal life after treatment.  It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.  However, it is possible to say who is at risk for cancer.

            Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person.  For example, smoking increases the risk of lung cancer.  But smoking does not necessarily cause cancer.  A person who has never smoked in his life will probably get lung cancer.  Even people who have never had any of the possible causes of cancer have been diagnosed with cancer.

                  Cancer is not a contagious disease.  It is not transmitted from one patient to another.  But using aluminum utensils for cooking can cause cancer.  Sometimes headaches can cause cancer.  You can stay away from the cause of cancer.  Sometimes cancer is caused by a genetic cause.  But most of the cancers are caused by environmental factors.  Your eating, drinking, smoking, exposure to carcinogens for example radiation and some toxic substances in the environment.  Cigarettes and alcohol have been linked to 40% of cancers.  Thirty-three percent of cancers are caused by eating unwanted foods.

                         Genetic inheritance, age, sex, and lineage from parents are some of the other causes of cancer.  Although it is not possible to get rid of this cause on its own, it is possible to avoid some of the causes of cancer.  Stay away from the environmental component of cancer.

      * Tobacco Cancer *:

                 One-third of deaths are caused by smoking, chewing, or indirect exposure to tobacco.  The more cigarettes a person smokes on a daily basis, the more years he or she has smoked and the deeper the smoke goes into the lungs, the more likely he or she is to develop lung cancer.  A person who smokes ten cigarettes a day is ten times more likely to develop lung cancer than a non-smoker.  In addition, smokers are more likely to develop cancers of the larynx, throat, mouth, esophagus, pancreas, bladder and cervix.  Smoking increases the risk of cancer of the stomach, liver, prostate, colon and stomach.  Smokers are less likely to develop cancer after quitting.  Changes in pre-cancerous tissues are more common when smoking smokeless tobacco.  Chlorinated water is also a major cause of cancer.

   * Diet *:

        There has been some evidence of a link between an oily diet and cancer of the large intestine, uterus and prostate.  However, research on this has not fully proven this.  For example, eating oily foods and breast cancer cannot be underestimated.  Although total fatty acids in the diet are not directly linked to cancer, statistics show that excess calories in the diet are associated with breast cancer.  Menstruation starts at a young age after consuming more calories.  Obesity is caused by consuming more fatty acids later in life.  Obesity increases the levels of the female hormone estrogen in the body, which increases the risk of breast cancer.  Eating right protects against certain types of cancer.  Consumption of fiber, vitamins, salts, low fat and balanced diet reduces the risk of cancer.  The diet should include fresh fruits and vegetables, bread made with bran, cereals, pasta, rice and common bean.

* UV(Ultra Violet) rays and radiation *:

     UV rays cause skin cancer.  Artificial UV radiation equipment used to darken or darken the skin can cause skin damage.  And the risk of skin cancer increases.  Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for skin diseases caused by UV rays.

* Using skin protection cream *:

     Such creams should contain 15% or more effective skin protection.  This cream is rubbed on the exposed skin twice a day.  After sweating and after swimming, apply the cream once more.  In hot summers, it is beneficial to apply sunscreen every two hours in areas where the intensity of UV rays is high.  The intensity of UV rays is higher on beaches where the amount of dust in the air is less.  Avoid standing in the sun from 10 am to 4 pm.  A simple rule of thumb when to go in the sun is not to stand in the sun when the shadow is shorter than its own length.  Use a large hat.  If you want to stand in the sun for a long time, wear full clothes and go in the sun.  Occasionally stand in the shade.  Wear ultraviolet goggles.  Avoid going to ultraviolet radiation treatment center (tanning center) to reduce whiteness.

* Alcohol *:

     People who drink heavily are more likely to develop cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, larynx and liver.  One study found that people who drank just one ounce (approximately 30 ml) of alcohol had an increased risk of developing breast cancer.  If you do not drink alcohol at all, there is no reason to start drinking alcohol anew.

   * Radiation *:

       Ionizing radiation, for example, constant exposure to X-rays, exposure to radioactive metals, exposure to or outside the Earth's orbit during space travel in which exposure to cosmic rays or an accident can cause cancer.  Intense radiation followed an atomic bomb explosion in Japan.  Survivors of the blast were diagnosed with cancer.  During X-ray examination, the patient is exposed to very short-lived and low-capacity radiation.  Also, as part of the treatment for cancer, radiation of a certain intensity is released on the cancerous tumor.

    * Chemicals and carcinogenic chemicals *:

    Exposure to pesticides and metals increases the risk of cancer.  Chemicals such as asbestos, nickel(Ni), cadmium(Cd), uranium(U), radon(Rn), vinyl chloride, benzidine and benzene(C6H6) are known to cause cancer.  Adequate safety precautions are required when dealing with such chemicals.

     * Hormone therapy *:

     Some women are treated with the hormones estrogen and progesterone after menopause, such as a feeling of hot flashes on the face or dry vagina.  The findings of cancer after such treatment are mixed.  In women treated with a combination of both estrogen and progesterone, the risk of breast cancer was found to be higher in women taking estrogen alone.  But uterine cancer was more common in women taking estrogen.

  * Diethyl stilbestrol(DES) *:

     Diethyl stillbestrol is a synthetic steroid hormone.  It is used to treat some pregnancy problems.  But the use of diethyl stillbestrol was found to produce some abnormal cells in the cervix and vagina.  In addition, a rare type of vaginal and cervical cancer was found in women using DES.  DES was in use from 1950 to 1971.  Increased incidence of breast cancer in women who depend on it.  While it was being used, the incidence of breast cancer increased after birth in women who gave birth to girls.  Women who gave birth to babies were more likely to have smaller testicles than normal or to have the testicles not fit into the scrotum.  Some cancers, for example melanoma, breast, ovarian, prostate, and colon cancer were found to be more common in some families.  There is no consensus on whether this type of genetic inheritance is due to other family environment or eating habits.  During normal cell division, a sudden change in the gene causes cancer.  Lifestyle or environmental factors may be involved in the mutation.  Some changes may be passed from parents to offspring in the form of genetic inheritance.  Having a genetic mutation in a child does not necessarily mean that he or she will get cancer.  Only they are more likely to get cancer.

   * Treatment *:

* Chemotherapy

* Radiotherapy

* Surgery

©®-Vishweshwar Kabade (Microbiologist as well as a multilingual writer in Marathi, Hindi and English languages)

Mobile number-9326807480



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