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Stand Alone

Stand Alone 

Amidst the lawn freshly mown,

There is a tree, all alone.

Amidst the sky wide and vast,

There lay a cloud, maybe the last. 

On a lonely tree with branches brown,

There hung a green leaf its crown.

There's a flight of pigeons flying low,

Above which an eagle soars smooth and slow.

There's an ocean with enumerable waves,

At the shore, alone each meets its grave.

A forest filled with wild species of animals,

Each one hunts by itself for its meals.

In a field with enumerable colourful flowers,

There blooms one uniquely white near the bower.

There's a galaxy full of humongous celestial bodies,

And yet, the sun shining alone is its glory. 

Every element descends alone and yet ascends strong,

Its worries, sorrows, hardships it doesn't forlong.

Every being stands alone among the many it knows,

Learns and observes but in solitude, by itself it grows.

-Shaivee Chokshi 



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