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Contact and connection

Contact and connection
Living joyous life is very difficult. Actually our life is tied with verious incidents. Life is like as coin. On one side there is joyness . On the other side there is sadness. We try our best to live better life. Some times it is possible. Some times it is not possible. Surely there is something wrong. When I think over it, I am also in confussion. We know two words. First is contact. The other is connetion. In our day today life a lot of people are in our contact. But we have not connetion to all. Why it happens. Have you think over it. When we know difference between these two words then our life become happy. In contact we are not connected with each other heartily. We have connetion with each other then we are mingled in each other. In contact there is not closeness. In connetion we mix up with each other. Our expressions and emotions divide contact and connection. In contact we are not closely familiar with each other. In life connetion is more important than contact.


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