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Deserve better

“I deserve better!!!”  I am always thinking that ‘I deserve better job’ or

‘I deserve better home ’, or

‘I deserve better life partner’, or

‘I deserve better salary’ etc.

There are so many 'deserve betters'. People use to say, “dear, you deserve better salary or job anything.

Did anybody tell you?

This can be possible if we put little extra efforts, it will turn much better.

It always likes that we are not satisfied with what we have now.

If I had $5000 dollar salary but I am not satisfied. I deserve a better salary. Now I started earning $10000 and still, I deserve better. It should be $12000 or more.

Why we always want much better?

As per human physiology, it is obviously, we always desire more, but we always differentiate things to existing state of affairs for what we have with imagination future what we want.

In our imagination, we have everything. The cause of problem is that we don't think about existing facts, we think about future. I think it kills our happiness because we are not satisfied with current affairs and we over think about deserving better and yes! over thinking is danger-zone of mind.

Having a huge fight with your partner, friends or our evil-minded twin come and say that you deserve better than this guy or girl. You will never happy with him or her but sometimes very few people come and say, you should adjust for things and try to convince him or her. He or she much better for you. So many people say after breaking up, you deserve someone better than this jerk, he or she not perfect for you.

I don't understand because nobody is perfect in this world. You have to balance with imperfection to perfection.

'You deserve a better job', or "your job gives you too much stress, you should change it'. 'You deserve a better job for better salary' but nobody advises us, how to manage things or solve frustrated problems or how to reduce your stress. Very few people advise us correctly.

I deserve a better home! This is very small but I want big. Generally, most of the people think like this.

But I think if we make our 'comfort zone' in our house. Then the small house will be peace of heaven. We can accommodate things according to the requirement, decor home with flourish idea. And then I am sure, you gonna love it.

As above, I gave short examples that are my thinking and my opinion. It is not wrong if we deserve better. But in life, we over think about deserving better, is might harmful to our mind. It may create stress. Sometimes we lose great things to achieve deserve better things because we are never satisfied for what we have. At the end, I have to say, when we are upset for the unexpected event happened that time we listen, you deserve better and it makes us smile.


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