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The ocean of love


Between  me and the sun..there is a door

I see through,  but hold behind

Between me and the  sun,there's  a forever

Keeping me in a foggy soul and mind...


The darkness of the  world,the viruses  and the wars

The homeless  child..the buggers and refugees

The viruses  of hatred..the revenges and more.

Are hiding the sun..the light, as it should be..


A wounded aching brain

A turmoil of  windy fears of tomorrow

How to break the cage of pain.

.that retains

Our soul  of  flying..with sorrow...


With our hands ,we've  built

Spaces..differences  and multiple cages

How can we demolish  the distances felt

How can we live far from  edges...


Love is The ocean reflecting  the lights..

The bound relaying  me and you..

I sail on its rhythmic  wave's delight

And no barriers  ,to stop the human flow...



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