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Secret of Dark Ages: The Kaliyuga Timeshift


2020 - The world is suddenly thrown into a crisis of a pandemic. Half of the world is in self-isolation. One is bound to think at such times whether we and our loved ones will make out of it alive or not. “Is this the end of the world as we know it?” – A thought which might have crossed the minds of millions of people around the world and rightfully so.

This book delves into the philosophy of various cultures around the world which all seem to come to the same conclusion: a change is underway. According to the Mayan Prophecy, the world was supposed to end in 2012. But the day just came and went. Perhaps it is not the sort of ending that we might have thought. When we think about the end of the world we often think of a great flood or a fiery pit that will consume all beings but what if that ending is related to economic collapse, chaos and large-scale destruction. To understand this deeply we have to shift our perspective from the daily life narrative. We must look for a broader outlook.

I have compiled the opinions and outlooks of various sages, scriptures and new-age spiritualists. They all agree that change often occurs with time. If we are going through a massive change, there must be a change in the timeline we are currently living in. This timeline has often been referred to as the Kaliyug. 

The Great Epoch

Kali Yuga – a time of the moral decay of man. It is the time when humanity is supposed to stoop to its lowest. Hunger, poverty, sickness and quarrel govern this time. According to the scriptures, during the time of Krishna, the world was in the Dwapar Yuga (or the Yuga of the third consciousness). Experts argue that until the end of the epic battle of Mahabharata, there wasn’t even a single killing of the innocents and it was only until Krishna died when the onset of Kaliyug really took place.

It is said that Krishna’s presence was able to ward off the Kali Yuga and keep it limited only to the battleground. However, it was again Krishna who went ahead and saved the future King Parikshit in his mother’s womb. It was grown-up Parikshit who would later surrender himself and his kingdom to the “demon” called Kali Yuga giving rise to the fall of man.

The stories have a lot of symbolism whereby Kali Yuga is depicted not as a time frame but as a demon – perhaps for the understanding of the masses. It was said that during the time of Kali, the average intelligence of mankind would drop down to severely low levels. Many ideas which have been written in scriptures, therefore, have been coded in metaphor, so that even in the darkest of times mankind will know of its past and possibly its future. Hence we know many things about the Kaliyug already. But what we know is only half the story.

Brief History of Past

“Sri-suka uvaca… Tatas canu-dream dharma… Satyam scam kama day… Kalena Ballina Rajan… Nanksyaty Ayur Balam smrtih” – Srimad Bhagavatam 12.2.1

[Religion, honesty, truthfulness, mercy, tolerance and memory will diminish due to the powerful influence of Kali Yuga]

Mankind has always been fascinated with the idea of extraterrestrial life. The idea that we are the one and only intelligent life in this universe seems very farfetched. However, there have been few pieces of evidence in modern times to strengthen the idea that we are not the only ones in this Universe. Renowned authors like Erich Von Däniken have put forth very intriguing theories about how the Egyptian Pyramids and great structures around the world were built by an alien race. Is it possible that these ancient buildings marked the culmination of an era? Even so, if this alien race had once appeared, what made them disappear suddenly? Why is it that now we have only hypothetical “evidence” and no proper “visits” from these so-called alien races?

It is said that during the dark ages many great knowledge and secrets would be concealed from a man during the end of times, for if these were made public, the information could land in the wrong hands that could possibly misuse them. Perhaps the dark ages they were referring to was the Kali Yuga. The ancients, however, they were very much aware of this Dark Age which is why they concealed their great secrets in the form of mystical lore and mythology. Several of the stories that we learn today seem too impossible because they defy science and common sense but what if we have been looking at things too simplistically?

Many have spoken about the great Mahabharata and the weapons used during the epic battle. The Brahmastra has been correlated with the nuclear weapons and the Vimanas seem to be nothing short of the flying saucers which are right out of any Hollywood movie. Could these be some alien gadgets which were then concealed from our common knowledge by an extraterrestrial force? 

Hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon took several people from different parts of the world into hypnotherapy and took their conscious mind to the beginning of their life on earth. To her surprise, she found that all of these people, who do not know each other and live countries apart, saw the same things in their sessions. They said that the “Earth is in trouble” and that they “heard the call” and are here to help. Furthermore, they said that they had come from planets whose names were unheard of. These people mentioned that they had come from different parts of our Universe and they have come here in three waves to assist the world in its transition from the “Age of Pisces” to the “Age of Aquarius”. Pisces and Aquarius are adjacent astrological signs. Since Pisces is the last zodiac sign it could very well refer to Dark Age and since Aquarius the 11th sign of the zodiac, it could signify the shift from the Age of Darkness to the Age of Light. 

These individuals, who are very different in their age range, mentioned that they had come in three different times and in “waves”. So the first wave is in their late 50s to 60s the second wave is in their late 20s and 30s and the third wave is the teenagers. 

She created a revolution when she published her first book “The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth”. According to her book, these few individuals are here to raise the consciousness of this planet so that humanity can move towards a “New Earth.” Was this new earth referring to the transition of one state of consciousness to another? 

It is interesting to note that the Indian gotra system is said to be pointing towards a specific Saptarishi which the lineage has descended from. The Saptarishi or the Seven Great Saints have often been seen as a metaphorical pointing towards the constellation of Ursa Major.

Hypothetically, if we have indeed been seeded by beings that lived in the Ursa Major, perhaps they would want to keep a close check on humanity and want to help their lineage in times of distress. Dolores Cannon and many others seem to think so. Could it be possible that we are at the peak of Kaliyug and a new way of living is on the horizon? 

The Kaliyug Timeline

Apparently, at present, we are 5000 years into the Kaliyug. The great mathematician and astronomer Aryabhatta took the help of the Surya Siddhanta to determine that Kaliyug began in the year 3102 BCE. To be more specific, it began exactly when the clock struck midnight on 18th February. It is interesting to note that Aryabhatta is the person who gave the world zero. The great mathematician, therefore, has some credibility when determining the exact timing of Kaliyug progression.

However, some interesting questions are put forth on the internet such as – “how did people learn to count to 100 with the Kaurava children in the Mahabharata if zero was not invented back then?” So does that mean that zero was known to our ancestors? It seems like there are several questions like that which have gone unanswered in the past as well as in the present. With such big gaps in our own history, we have to agree that there are several loopholes in the timeline that has been suggested for the start of the Dark Age. 

Almost all astrologers and religious experts agree to the fact that Kaliyug began when Krishna left the Earth. Some suggest that time was 5000 years ago (as is also claimed by Aryabhatta) while others suggest that it was more than those years. The majority seem to believe, given the 5000-year time frame that we are currently living in Dwapara Yuga.

As we all know, the Yugas that is, the Satyug or Krita Yug, Treta, Dwapar and Kali Yug are four periods through which the collective human consciousness is subjected. Of course, even plants and animals see drastic change – decline and upraise depending upon the Yuga they are living in. All of this happens when the Earth completes one complete cycle across the “Super Sun” or the “Central Sun” which is located at the centre of the Universe, some believe. However, the exact position of the central sun has not been located scientifically. Some ancient civilizations like the Maya believed that great changes occurred on the planet every time the Earth got closer to the Central Sun (also known as Alcyone).

According to a popular belief, every time the Earth completes one complete circulation around the Central Sun, we complete one Yuga or one cycle of existence. Now, one would argue, that the length of each Yuga is different. So how is it possible that the Earth takes one lakh years to complete one revolution and at another time it takes only a thousand years? The shape of the orbit of our galaxy around the central Sun is elliptical. 

Astrologers agree that the gradual rotation of the Earth’s axis, which causes the precision of the equinoxes, is equal to the time frame that is required by the planet to cross through all the 12 zodiac signs. However, it takes 72 years for our planet Earth to pass through one zodiac sign. So to complete one full circle of each zodiac sign, Earth naturally takes 25,920 years. Now the Yugas comprise of one-half of 25920 years which is very close to the figure of 26,000 years. 

Let us understand this better –

The Kali Yuga began exactly as the clock struck midnight around 5000 years ago. 

This Yuga is defined in 5000 Divine Years – not human years.  This means that each Yuga consists of several thousand human years. 

Therefore the average Yuga cycle is not of actually 12,000 years but that of 4,320,000 years. 

Do these numbers look extremely large to you? Traditionalists claim that these numbers are not actual but these are codes which contain the science of cosmic cycles. In fact, they might have been put there to confuse people so that they cannot determine the actual time period of the transitions. According to great thinker René Guénon (1886-1951), the Puranas rightly depicted that the Yugas progress in a 4:3:2:1 ratio. However, the actual date and time of the beginning and end of the eras were concealed from the general public because, in times when the moral quotient is already down (such as in the Kali Yuga), people may try to distort the happening of events to their own benefit.

The key here is the number – 432. The zeroes at the end may not be as short as 4320 years and may not be as long as 4,320,000 either. 

However, even these timelines are not unanimously agreed upon by the experts. This is why we will look at the symptoms of the present world to delve further.

New Age Symptoms

Mankind has witnessed several wars which could have potentially destroyed the world. The World Wars themselves nearly posed a threat of complete destruction – chaos so widespread could only be caused when we are at the peak of Kaliyug. It was also said to be the time when humanity would succumb to all major and minor illnesses and spread it at a fast rate. Diseases like Spanish Flu and COVID-19 are classic examples.  

Nobody can argue that in the last century we have seen the utmost downfall of man’s living conditions. Poverty, sickness, greed and corruptions prevailed and were considered the norm. However, something happened at the turn of the millennia. More and more people started to question their own ways of living. The fact that something was wrong with the world was becoming more and more apparent to a certain section of the world populace. They started to seek something beyond the realm of the five sense organs. More people became health conscious and instead of the gym, took to Yoga. Some became spiritually inclined and started to search for answers in various books, spiritual leaders and forums. Some others had become vividly interested in conspiracy theories. All of this started happening around the year 2007 – which is considered the year of transformation by many long term spiritual practitioners.

Now in the Yugas, there are several ups and downs – this means ascents and descents. In every Yug the first half is that of the ascent – which is when the qualities of that Yuga heighten. This means that if we are entering the Krita Yug, then the goodness of the Krita Yug will keep increasing till it reaches a plateau. This upward rise of Yugas is also called “ascension”. In the next half, right after we have reached the peak, there is a descent – which is when the qualities of the Yuga start to fade. This means that greed, selfishness, illness and unawareness, which were the qualities of the Kali Yuga will keep on manifesting until it reaches a zenith. After the worse has happened the cycle will again move downward and enter into the Dwapar Yuga. Some believe that we saw its peak in the last century – when we were about to wipe out our entire race owing to World War and pathogenic viruses. 

A human being is made up of not just the ability to perceive the world but also to be self-aware. Perhaps this is the reason why they started to look beyond the chaos and the fear. Beyond the modern-day problems of poverty and sickness, some have brought back art in the form of painting, music creating, dancing and even writing – perhaps this will pave the way to a new form of living.

Previously due to the tight schedule of schools, jobs and balancing work and home life people never got the chance to sit with themselves and explore their own likes and dislikes. This is the first time in several thousands of years when as able to sit idle and think. Due to this many people are globally becoming aware of the dawning of the new age and its effects are evident across various social media platforms. The daily news and the day to day updates also inform us about the climatic changes we have gone through globally whilst social shutdown in 2020.

This could very well be associated with the descending age of Kali Yuga – where unreason and ignorance no longer grasp man as the man begins to grapple towards a higher understanding. This can be understood by the close proximity the planet has apparently been towards the Central Sun. 

During 2012, when the world supposedly ended according to the Mayan Prophecy, we have entered into the orbit of the Great Central Sun, after nearly 26,000 years. Whenever we enter into this orbit, the Earth is apparently flooded with more and more light (of knowledge) and when the Earth is on the farther end of its elliptical orbit from this Sun, we descend into unreason and ignorance. But can the effects of the Sun really affect the degree of knowledge? 

There is an ancient practice called “sun gazing” (which has also been revisited in modern times). Sungazing is an ancient Indian practice, wherein Rishis and Sadhus used to obtain their energy directly from our Solar sun. As 80% of the food we consume is used by our brains. The brain is the organ that needs the most amount of energy in the body. This energy is today obtained from glucose but the ancient Indian Sadhus and saints used to obtain this energy by standing barefoot on grass at the beginning of dawn. This practice, which if not done in the right way can damage the eyes, is one of the oldest histories of humankind, which again was lost somewhere with time. In the year 1962, somewhere in the Aashram of Pondicherry, Mother Mira suggested that it was time to re-introduce the practice of sun gazing to the modern world. 

If the sun of our solar system was potent enough to give us energy and positive vibrations throughout the day, we can almost say that the idea of a Central Sun and the positive effects of it on the mass consciousness of the planet are inevitable.

The Kali Yuga is also known as the “Dark Age” or the “Age of Darkness” – perhaps referring to the lack of light? Is that light the lack of light coming from a Central Sun? According to great Spiritual teacher Sadhguru, it is. Apparently when our planet is closer to the Central Sun, “the etheric” quotient increases. When this happens, there are a lot of our senses we start to become aware of. For example, he says, when the etheric energy is very low, people will have to talk continuously to make them understood whereas, in places where the etheric level is very high, talking may be secondary. In fact, it may not even be needed at all to understand another person.

When the Central Sun lifts up the fog of ether from the planet, people’s sensitivity may become heightened. The renowned spiritualist also goes further to explain Krishna’s verse – “after 5000 years there will come a time which will be very fascinating for human life”. This might have been referred to the time frame when the Earth is passing closer to the Central Sun. This happens in phases and as is said – when that happens, we might see great 

The theory of the Brown or the Dark star is not a new one. The two sun theory states that the Sun of our solar system is merely a part of a dual system of suns – one of which is located far away in the universe and has exhausted its resources. Hence it has become dark and is now known as the Dark or the Brown Star. Was this Brown Star the one that we have come to get away from? Was our darkness heaved upon us due to close proximity with this brown star? More importantly, are we moving away from this brown star now? If this is so, then we might surely be moving away from a very dark and vicious cycle.

Now there are various different experts and opinions on the time frame when the dark age of consciousness is going to end. However, none of them seems to agree on one point. So it is safe to assume that the time frame itself cannot be obtained from the scriptures or through astrology alone – it has to be decoded by observing our surroundings.

In the epic Mahabharata, Hanuman describes the several Yugas to Bhima in this manner:

“The Satya Yuga was so named because there was but one religion, and all men were saintly: therefore they were not required to perform religious ceremonies… Men neither bought nor sold; there was no poor and no rich; there was no need for labour because all that men required was obtained by the power of will…The Satya Yuga was without disease; there was no lessening with the years; there was no hatred, or vanity, or evil thought whatsoever; no sorrow, no fear. All mankind could obtain supreme blessedness. The universal soul was White… the identification of self with the universal soul was the whole religion of the Perfect Age. In the Treta Yuga sacrifices began, and the World Soul became Red; virtue lessened a quarter. Mankind sought truth and performed religious ceremonies; they obtained what they desired by giving and by doing. In the Dwapara Yuga, the aspect of the World Soul was Yellow: religion lessened one-half. The Veda was then divided into four parts, and although some had knowledge of all the four Vedas, others knew but three or one. Mind lessened, Truth declined, and there came desire and diseases and calamities; because of these men had to undergo penances. It was a decadent Age by reason of the prevalence of sin..”

The “prevalence of sin” it is which seems to be the first and the most important identifier of Kali Yuga. Also, our scriptures mention the arrival of Kalki in this white horse Devadatta to kill the maleficent sinners and rid the world of sin. 

The picture seems to be more metaphorical than a real one. The word “Kalki” is literally made up of two words “Kalk” which means clay or mud or sediment and the word “ki” which means “to rise out of”. The white horse may symbolize the control over the five senses and the purification of them thereof. In this day and age when the majority of the human race has succumbed to sins, the symbolic Kalki represents the arrival of an entity that shall arise out of the mud but shall not be of it. The same has been predicted across all religions – the second coming of Jesus, about the birth of Maitreya (in Buddhism), the Immanuel of the Jews and so on.

Dimensions, Timelines and Changes

Many scholars have said that the best way to steer clear of the bad influence of Kali Yuga is to meditate, practice yoga and other religious rituals. Indeed the time frame of the Yuga has been tied down to a calendar by the many experts. However, we should not resort to fatalism and accept Kali Yuga thinking that there is no way out. The Lakota tribe believed that the birth of a white buffalo in the year 1994 signified a great time of World Unification and peace. The Native American Hopi tribes, also called the “oldest of people” have long predicted that after the “Fourth World of Separation” there shall be a “Fifth World of Peace”. 

What is the fifth world of peace? Apparently, our world is divided into dimensions. There are several dimensions across the same sphere and they are not unknown to mankind, in Hindu scriptures they are often called “Lokas”. There is a legend that says that King Kakudmi had a beautiful daughter named Revati, who was exceptionally talented. Seeing her capabilities, the king was in awe as there was no suitable groom who could match her abilities. Worried as he was, he went straight to the Brahma Loka so that Brahma could find a solution to his problem. At that time Brahma was indulging himself in some performance from the Gandharvas so he asked the king to wait for a few minutes. The king obliged. 

After exactly 5 minutes the Gandharva performance had ended and the king was able to convey his worries to God. Brahma after hearing his plight informed him that while he waited 5 minutes in his Loka, 25 Satyugas had come and gone in the Earth dimension. This means that time worked differently in his Loka. He then suggested that the only person who is now suitable enough to marry his daughter is Balaram, the incarnation of Sheshnaga who has taken birth along with Krishna.

This story tells us about the information of various dimensions and time differences of each which were hidden in our old tales. The third dimension is that which constitutes the physical plane. However, the fact that there are many other planes of existence other than our known physical plane is now a known fact. According to Hindu mythology, there are 14 lokas – 7 upper ones are the pathways of heaven and constitute the heavenly abode of the Gods and the sainted souls. The seven of the lower dimensions are the various degrees of hell. Humanity is somewhere in between hell and heaven as per this belief. 

So, when the Hopi prophesized the “Fifth World of Peace”, they might have mentioned the fifth upward dimension which is where more peace resides. The dimensional shift might once again be attributed to the dilution of matter which was explained by Sadhguru as the “etheric fog lifting”. 

Is it the End of Kali Yuga?

There is a big difference of opinion among the astrologers for when the Kali Yuga will end. Also, some astronomers have jumped in to prove the theory in a different manner. According to some, the end of Kali Yuga has already begun on 26th July 2014, at exactly 3:11:00 PM – others claim that the same will not happen until 2025.

The hypothesis suggests that the movement of the Yugas happen anti-clockwise. This means that you move one way from the Satya – Treta – Dwapar – Kali and then you again take the back route and go from Kali – Dwapar – Treta – Satyug. It doesn’t happen overnight. Spiritual experts have often claimed that the ascension of the conscience of man happens gradually. So those who have lived in the darkness of immorality and sin will not change overnight, but gradually. The change and the shift in the living conditions around the world will only slowly get better. Some people have the idea that right from the descending Kaliyug we will jump into the Satyug but it is not so. This cycle moves anticlockwise at present. Perhaps this is the reason why the Yuga cycle slowly moves from Kali and then towards a better state when we enter Dwapar, and from then onwards we ascend and move to the Golden Age or the Satyug.

Most new-age leaders seem to agree that the current epoch which we are living in is the great descent of the Kali Yuga which began right after World War II ended, will end in 2025 BC. From then onwards humanity and the overall collective will move towards the next Yuga that is the Dwapar Yuga which will reach its peak by the end of 2325 BC. During this time, the human mind and subsequently the world conditions will continue to change. The peak of changes can be observed in the year 2325 BC after which there will once again be an era of stagnation – with no great changes observable for the next few hundred years. Finally, the ascending Dwapar Yuga will be followed by the ascending Treta Yuga. 

Amidst the several controversies and the different opinions, one thing is for sure that we are moving towards a culmination of time as we knew it. There are many differences of opinion, however, one thing is for sure – the world is expanding. Globalization has paved the way for cross-cultural intermingling. The cultures are meshing and once again man is correlating and connecting the dots to find out the truth. We are at the cusp of an era where ancient knowledge and hidden secrets are being unearthed at an unprecedented rate. 

Hold on to your seats because we are in for a major event in the history of time. 


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