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Stone will change after living under the waterfall.

When it comes about situation everybody changes themselves according to their time and it is called adjustment or compromise.

Is it necessary? why we accept change? There are so many questions that arise in our mind. But at the end, we went through all tight spots, it always remains 'win-win' situation. Finally, we have to accept change. In future, we believe that we didn't do any compromise or adjustment. All the circumstances are different which can co-relate with time change phase.

It is the universal law that everybody has to change them to the change in time and situation. life is like all about changing clouds each and every day. we all love spiciness and masala in our lives. By elaborately explaining word spiciness, that is created by day to day events, as a perspective of life. We want peace at the end of the day. when we are frustrated and stressed. Peace is the only thing that we need temporary, but not permanent.

life is like a Bollywood drama serial, where every day, you find a new problem. but you are the hero of your story, you have to find a solution by your own of all problems.

let me imagine, if everyday is same as yesterday, how we get bored. No matter how much we are tired or frustrated but at least we like to find a situation of all problems . Problems become lucid to solve when you love yourself and put faith in you.

Stone is not easy to break but when it lives under the waterfall, one day it will change. Don't afraid of your problems, just try to solve it and Always wear a smile on face, it will help you a lot.


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