It follows the adventures of the titular character, a young college student and all-around athlete. Frank Merriwell is joined by a group of his closest friends and fellow athletes, including Bart Hodge, Bruce Browning, and Danny Griswold. Together, they face a number of challenges and enemies, including a group of rival athletes who are determined...More
Burt L. Standish was a pen name used by the American author Gilbert Patten (1866-1945). He was a prolific writer who wrote under several pen names and was best known for his Western and adventure stories. He created the character of Frank Merriwell, a popular hero in American juvenile literature, under the pen name Burt L. Standish. The Frank Merriwell stories were published in serialized form in various periodicals, including the Tip Top Weekly and the New Tip Top Weekly, from 1896 to 1912. The character of Frank Merriwell was known for his athleticism, morality, and sense of fair play, and became an important role model for American boys in the early 20th century.
Burt L. Standish was a pen name used by the American author Gilbert Patten (1866-1945). He was a prolific writer who wrote under several pen names and was best known for his Western and adventure stories. He created the character of Frank Merriwell, a popular hero in American juvenile literature, under the pen name Burt L. Standish. The Frank Merriwell stories were published in serialized form in various periodicals, including the Tip Top Weekly and the New Tip Top Weekly, from 1896 to 1912. The character of Frank Merriwell was known for his athleticism, morality, and sense of fair play, and became an important role model for American boys in the early 20th century.
Book Summary
It follows the adventures of the titular character, a young college student and all-around athlete. Frank Merriwell is joined by a group of his closest friends and fellow athletes, including Bart Hodge, Bruce Browning, and Danny Griswold. Together, they face a number of challenges and enemies, including a group of rival athletes who are determined to defeat them in a series of athletic contests. As the story progresses, Frank and his friends work to overcome their opponents and prove their worth both on and off the field. Along the way, they also face personal challenges and struggles, including a series of mysterious occurrences that threaten to derail their plans.