"Tommy and Grizel" is a captivating continuation of "Sentimental Tommy" that delves into the sorrowful outcomes of holding onto illusions. Within this book, one can find all the key elements of a compelling love story, such as disloyal married women, mental health problems, a quest to locate a lost love, and childhood sweethearts. As a...More
Sir James Matthew Barrie (9 May 1860 – 19 June 1937) was a Scottish novelist and playwright known for creating Peter Pan, a story about a boy who never grows up and has magical adventures in Neverland with a girl named Wendy. Barrie lived in Scotland before moving to London where he met the Llewelyn Davies boys, who inspired him to write about a baby boy's magical adventures in Kensington Gardens, then to write Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up, a 1904 West End "fairy play" about an ageless boy and an ordinary girl named Wendy who have adventures in the fantasy setting of Neverland. Peter Pan became his most popular work, overshadowing his other successful novels and plays. Barrie gave the rights to the Peter Pan works to Great...More
Sir James Matthew Barrie (9 May 1860 – 19 June 1937) was a Scottish novelist and playwright known for creating Peter Pan, a story about a boy who never grows up and has magical adventures in Neverland with a girl named Wendy. Barrie lived in Scotland before moving to London where he met the Llewelyn Davies boys, who inspired him to write about a baby boy's magical adventures in Kensington Gardens, then to write Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up, a 1904 West End "fairy play" about an ageless boy and an ordinary girl named Wendy who have adventures in the fantasy setting of Neverland. Peter Pan became his most popular work, overshadowing his other successful novels and plays. Barrie gave the rights to the Peter Pan works to Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children before his death, which still benefits from them today.
Book Summary
"Tommy and Grizel" is a captivating continuation of "Sentimental Tommy" that delves into the sorrowful outcomes of holding onto illusions. Within this book, one can find all the key elements of a compelling love story, such as disloyal married women, mental health problems, a quest to locate a lost love, and childhood sweethearts. As a semi-autobiographical piece, it provides intriguing perspectives into J.M. Barrie's inspiration for Peter Pan, while also being a thrilling read on its own merits. Immerse yourself in this emotionally charged narrative and accompany Tommy and Grizel on their heart-wrenching journey.