"In Trust" by Fred M. White is a novel describing the life, business, and customs in Westbury, a village in Nassau County, on Long Island, in New York, United States. It tells the story of Roland Thornycroft, an editor-in-chief of Westbury Chronicle who takes pride in his business mechanism but still sinks in debts and loans. The adventure starts...More
Fred M. White (1859–1935) penned a variety of novels and short stories. He was the author of the six "Doom of London" science-fiction tales, in which London was beset by various disasters. Additionally, he pioneered the spy story genre, and in 2003, his 1899 series "The Romance of the Secret Service Fund" was edited by Douglas G. Greene and published by Battered Silicon Dispatch Box. White's writing during and after the First World War was evidently influenced by his sons' wartime experiences. His novel "The Seed of Empire" (1916) provides a detailed account of early trench warfare, with historically accurate locations and events. Several novels published in the 1920s dealt with the social changes caused by the war and the difficulties...More
Fred M. White (1859–1935) penned a variety of novels and short stories. He was the author of the six "Doom of London" science-fiction tales, in which London was beset by various disasters. Additionally, he pioneered the spy story genre, and in 2003, his 1899 series "The Romance of the Secret Service Fund" was edited by Douglas G. Greene and published by Battered Silicon Dispatch Box. White's writing during and after the First World War was evidently influenced by his sons' wartime experiences. His novel "The Seed of Empire" (1916) provides a detailed account of early trench warfare, with historically accurate locations and events. Several novels published in the 1920s dealt with the social changes caused by the war and the difficulties faced by ex-soldiers in adjusting to civilian life.
Book Summary
"In Trust" by Fred M. White is a novel describing the life, business, and customs in Westbury, a village in Nassau County, on Long Island, in New York, United States. It tells the story of Roland Thornycroft, an editor-in-chief of Westbury Chronicle who takes pride in his business mechanism but still sinks in debts and loans. The adventure starts one day when a mysterious man comes to his office, informing him that one of his editors is a forger and an extremely wealthy man hiding from justice. Now, Roland Thornycroft has to prove the story as true or false and solve his financial issues parallelly.