Men of Iron is a tale of redemption, honor, and chivalry, set in the 15th century. Howard Pyle's classic novel follows the journey of Myles Falworth, a young squire who dreams of becoming a knight and restoring his family's lost honor. Through rigorous training and a steadfast commitment to the code of chivalry, Myles rises to become a valiant...More
Howard Pyle (March 5, 1853 – November 9, 1911) was an American illustrator and author, primarily of books for young people. Pyle synthesized many traditional Robin Hood legends and ballads in this work, while toning them down to make them suitable for children.
In 1894, he began teaching illustration at the Drexel Institute of Art, Science, and Industry (now Drexel University). After 1900, he founded his own school of art and illustration named the Howard Pyle School of Illustration Art.
His 1883 classic publication The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood remains in print, and his other books frequently have medieval European settings, including a four-volume set on King Arthur. He is also well known for his illustrations of pirates, and...More
Howard Pyle (March 5, 1853 – November 9, 1911) was an American illustrator and author, primarily of books for young people. Pyle synthesized many traditional Robin Hood legends and ballads in this work, while toning them down to make them suitable for children.
In 1894, he began teaching illustration at the Drexel Institute of Art, Science, and Industry (now Drexel University). After 1900, he founded his own school of art and illustration named the Howard Pyle School of Illustration Art.
His 1883 classic publication The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood remains in print, and his other books frequently have medieval European settings, including a four-volume set on King Arthur. He is also well known for his illustrations of pirates, and is credited with creating what has become the modern stereotype of pirate dress.
Book Summary
Men of Iron is a tale of redemption, honor, and chivalry, set in the 15th century. Howard Pyle's classic novel follows the journey of Myles Falworth, a young squire who dreams of becoming a knight and restoring his family's lost honor. Through rigorous training and a steadfast commitment to the code of chivalry, Myles rises to become a valiant knight, winning jousting matches and serving the Earl of Mackworth's brother in France. But when Myles returns to England, he faces a formidable foe in the form of the treacherous Earl of Alban, who falsely accused Myles' father of treason. In a thrilling showdown, Myles vanquishes his enemy, clears his father's name, and earns the right to court Lady Alice, the niece and ward of the Earl of Mackworth. Against the backdrop of political intrigue and royal power struggles, Men of Iron is a stirring coming-of-age story that celebrates courage, loyalty, and the enduring values of the medieval age.