Grey Timothy is a captivating sports thriller novel by Edgar Wallace. Prepare to be whisked away on an adventure where rivalries clash and romance blooms amidst the electrifying atmosphere of the racetrack. Meet Brian Pallard, a spirited Australian gambler who arrives in Britain, ready to make his mark. His path intersects with that of an English...More
Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (1875–1932) was a prolific British writer known for his thrilling works. Born into poverty in London, he left school at the age of 12 and later joined the army. Serving as a war correspondent during the Second Boer War, Wallace reported for Reuters and the Daily Mail. However, financial difficulties led him back to London, where he turned to writing to support himself. His debut novel, "The Four Just Men" (1905), marked the beginning of a successful career. Seeking new opportunities, Wallace moved to Hollywood, working as a scriptwriter. Tragically, he passed away from undiagnosed diabetes during the early stages of drafting the iconic film "King Kong" (1933). He sold over 50 million copies of his combined...More
Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (1875–1932) was a prolific British writer known for his thrilling works. Born into poverty in London, he left school at the age of 12 and later joined the army. Serving as a war correspondent during the Second Boer War, Wallace reported for Reuters and the Daily Mail. However, financial difficulties led him back to London, where he turned to writing to support himself. His debut novel, "The Four Just Men" (1905), marked the beginning of a successful career. Seeking new opportunities, Wallace moved to Hollywood, working as a scriptwriter. Tragically, he passed away from undiagnosed diabetes during the early stages of drafting the iconic film "King Kong" (1933). He sold over 50 million copies of his combined works. Recognized as one of the most prolific thriller writers of the 20th century, Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace left an enduring legacy in the world of literature and popular culture.
Book Summary
Grey Timothy is a captivating sports thriller novel by Edgar Wallace. Prepare to be whisked away on an adventure where rivalries clash and romance blooms amidst the electrifying atmosphere of the racetrack. Meet Brian Pallard, a spirited Australian gambler who arrives in Britain, ready to make his mark. His path intersects with that of an English aristocrat, igniting a fiery rivalry that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. In typical Wodehousian fashion, Wallace weaves together a delightful tale filled with cheerful characters, a touch of mischief, and a dash of romance. You'll find a meticulously sketched thriller element that keeps the heart pounding, while the vivid racing background immerses readers in a world where fortunes are won and lost on the backs of swift steeds.