In "The Efficiency Expert," Jimmy Torrance's journey from struggling college graduate to successful businessman unfolds with love, danger, and redemption. When Jimmy meets the sophisticated Elizabeth Compton, their differences draw them closer together. As Jimmy becomes an efficiency expert at Elizabeth's father's struggling factory, he uncovers a...More
Edgar Rice Burroughs was the Man Who Created Tarzan. He was an American writer best known for his prolific output in the adventure, science fiction, and fantasy genres. His most famous creation Tarzan has been enjoyed by generations of readers around the world. Burroughs was born in Chicago in 1875. He had a restless childhood and spent much of his time exploring the outdoors. After graduating from high school, he joined the U.S. Army and served in the Spanish-American War. After the war, Burroughs worked a variety of jobs, including real estate salesman and gold prospector. He began writing in his spare time and eventually sold his first story to a magazine in 1911. Burroughs's first novel, Tarzan of the Apes, was an immediate success and...More
Edgar Rice Burroughs was the Man Who Created Tarzan. He was an American writer best known for his prolific output in the adventure, science fiction, and fantasy genres. His most famous creation Tarzan has been enjoyed by generations of readers around the world. Burroughs was born in Chicago in 1875. He had a restless childhood and spent much of his time exploring the outdoors. After graduating from high school, he joined the U.S. Army and served in the Spanish-American War. After the war, Burroughs worked a variety of jobs, including real estate salesman and gold prospector. He began writing in his spare time and eventually sold his first story to a magazine in 1911. Burroughs's first novel, Tarzan of the Apes, was an immediate success and spawned a series of sequels, as well as movies, television shows, and comic books. Burroughs went on to write over 50 novels, including the John Carter of Mars series, the Pellucidar series, and the Caspak trilogy. His work has been translated into more than 50 languages and has sold over 100 million copies. Burroughs died in 1950 at the age of 74. He is considered one of the most influential writers of the 20th century.
Book Summary
In "The Efficiency Expert," Jimmy Torrance's journey from struggling college graduate to successful businessman unfolds with love, danger, and redemption. When Jimmy meets the sophisticated Elizabeth Compton, their differences draw them closer together. As Jimmy becomes an efficiency expert at Elizabeth's father's struggling factory, he uncovers a web of embezzlement masterminded by Elizabeth's fiancé, Harold Bince. In a desperate attempt to protect his secret, Bince frames Jimmy for murder, leading to a gripping trial. With the support of loyal friends, Jimmy triumphs over adversity and exposes Bince's true nature, leading to his downfall. The story showcases Jimmy's growth as he finds his place in the world, marries Elizabeth, and transforms the factory into a thriving enterprise. "The Efficiency Expert" is a timeless tale that explores the power of hard work, resilience, and the bonds of friendship in the face of adversity.