"The Black Dwarf" is a novel by Sir Walter Scott, part of his Tales of My Landlord series. Set in the Scottish Borders in 1708, it takes place shortly after the Union of Scotland and England and revolves around the first Jacobite uprising after the Act of Union. The story is primarily set in the Liddesdale hills, a region familiar to Scott from...More
"The Black Dwarf" is a novel by Sir Walter Scott, part of his Tales of My Landlord series. Set in the Scottish Borders in 1708, it takes place shortly after the Union of Scotland and England and revolves around the first Jacobite uprising after the Act of Union. The story is primarily set in the Liddesdale hills, a region familiar to Scott from his collection of Scottish ballads. The main character, Sir Edward Mauley, is a hermit known as the Black Dwarf. He is believed by the locals to have connections with the Devil. The narrative follows Sir Edward as he becomes entangled in a complex tale involving love, revenge, betrayal, Jacobite plots, and a forced marriage. The story delves into the intertwined lives of these characters, their conflicts, and the consequences of their actions.