The Beloved Traitor

The Beloved Traitor

Frank lucius Packard Frank lucius Packard


"The Beloved Traitor" is set against the tumultuous backdrop of World War I in France. The story weaves a tapestry of love, betrayal, and redemption that will keep you enthralled from beginning to end. Meet Jean Laparde, a young sculptor living in the idyllic seaside village of Bernay-sur-Mer. Adored by the villagers, especially by his childhood...More
Crime Thriller & Mystery Novel Romance Story

Frank Lucius Packard was a celebrated Canadian novelist. Born in Montreal, Quebec, Packard's literary genius was shaped by his education at McGill University and the University of Liège. Before venturing into the realm of literature, Packard pursued a career as a civil engineer for the esteemed Canadian Pacific Railway. The captivating tales that unfolded during his time on the railroad became the inspiration for his riveting railroad stories. This marked the beginning of his illustrious career as a writer, which soon transitioned into crafting a series of gripping mystery novels. At the forefront of Packard's literary legacy stands the unforgettable character of Jimmie Dale, who captivated readers in his thrilling adventures. The...More

Publish Date : 26 Aug 2023

Reading Time :

Chapter : 25


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