The Salvaging of Civilization

The Salvaging of Civilization

H.g. Wells H.g. Wells


The Salvaging of Civilization: The Probable Future of Mankind is a non-fiction book by H. G. Wells which addresses the possibility of a future world state. It was published by The Macmillan Company of New York, for the first time in 1921. Wells drew on the experience of the Great War to propose a socialist world state brought about through...More
Article & Essay Article collection

Herbert George Wells (21 September 1866 – 13 August 1946) was an English writer. Prolific in many genres, he wrote dozens of novels, short stories, and works of social commentary, history, satire, biography and autobiography. His work also included two books on recreational war games. Wells is now best remembered for his science fiction novels and is often called the "father of science fiction", along with Jules Verne and the publisher Hugo Gernsback. During his own lifetime, however, he was most prominent as a forward-looking, even prophetic social critic who devoted his literary talents to the development of a progressive vision on a global scale. A futurist, he wrote a number of utopian works and foresaw the advent of aircraft,...More

Publish Date : 16 Jul 2020

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