Eeries of Silence

Eeries of Silence

Martin Ijir Martin Ijir


I would love you to have a self meditation using your holy book as a guide to flower your lost talons in order to achieve enlightenment and the activation of your spiritual gifts. It's very paramount to reawaken the lost lining in our soul and to spice other life in an empathetic art that will lead us back to God, who is the source of love and...More
Poem Poetry collection

Martin Ijir is a social entrepreneur, editor, mystic, teacher, poet and right activist. Ijir's work have been published in ANA Review, LangLit Journal, Rock Pebbles Journal, Azahar Spanish Magazine, Arcs Prose-poetry, Amritanjali, Poiesisonline among others. He is the author of the Vulture, Songs of Protest and Eeries of Silence. Awarded, premio internationazione d'honore in 2018 and 2019, Italy. Winner of 2020 Arcs Prose Poetry Magazine Prize, Iraq. He loves music and playing games apart from writing. He lives in Karu, Nigeria.

Publish Date : 10 Nov 2020

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Chapter : 68


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