In this timeless children's book, Raggedy Andy joins his sister Raggedy Ann and their friends for whimsical adventures that showcase his generous spirit. Written by Johnny Gruelle for his daughter Marcella, the book is a touching tribute to the love between a father and his child. Despite Marcella's early passing, the charming stories of Raggedy...More
In this timeless children's book, Raggedy Andy joins his sister Raggedy Ann and their friends for whimsical adventures that showcase his generous spirit. Written by Johnny Gruelle for his daughter Marcella, the book is a touching tribute to the love between a father and his child. Despite Marcella's early passing, the charming stories of Raggedy Andy continue to enchant readers of all ages, making it a beloved classic in children's literature. The book features a heartwarming reunion between the two beloved dolls after more than fifty years.