In this immersive account, the veil of mystery surrounding Cleopatra's reign is lifted, revealing a mesmerizing blend of historical accuracy and intriguing insights into the lives of legendary figures such as Octavia and Octavius. Originally published in 1854, Abbott's History of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt has withstood the test of time, enriched...More
Jacob Abbott was an acclaimed American writer of children's books. Born in Hallowell, Maine, Abbott's literary prowess captivated young readers for generations. His educational tales blended entertainment and enlightenment, providing a foundation of knowledge to eager minds. Abbott's path began at Bowdoin College, where he graduated in 1820. His studies at Andover Theological Seminary further shaped his intellect, and he embarked on a career as a teacher and pastor. Abbott's commitment to education led him to establish the Mount Vernon School for Young Ladies in Boston and later serve as principal at Abbott's Institute and the Mount Vernon School for Boys in New York City. As a prolific author, Abbott's pen gave life to over 180 books,...More
Jacob Abbott was an acclaimed American writer of children's books. Born in Hallowell, Maine, Abbott's literary prowess captivated young readers for generations. His educational tales blended entertainment and enlightenment, providing a foundation of knowledge to eager minds. Abbott's path began at Bowdoin College, where he graduated in 1820. His studies at Andover Theological Seminary further shaped his intellect, and he embarked on a career as a teacher and pastor. Abbott's commitment to education led him to establish the Mount Vernon School for Young Ladies in Boston and later serve as principal at Abbott's Institute and the Mount Vernon School for Boys in New York City. As a prolific author, Abbott's pen gave life to over 180 books, coauthored or edited an additional 31, and left an indelible mark on children's literature. His renowned Rollo Books introduced young readers to the adventures of Rollo and his friends, teaching them valuable life lessons along the way. Abbott's literary endeavors extended beyond fiction, with 22 volumes of biographical histories and the monumental 10-volume Franconia Stories. Driven by a desire to both entertain and educate, Abbott crafted his stories to instill valuable knowledge, nurture critical thinking, and inspire moral conduct. His works aimed to cultivate a deep sense of piety and integrity while fostering language skills and a love for learning. Through his enduring writings, Abbott left a lasting legacy as a storyteller and educator.
Book Summary
In this immersive account, the veil of mystery surrounding Cleopatra's reign is lifted, revealing a mesmerizing blend of historical accuracy and intriguing insights into the lives of legendary figures such as Octavia and Octavius. Originally published in 1854, Abbott's History of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt has withstood the test of time, enriched by subsequent textual and archaeological research. Within its pages lies a story that unravels a startling and shocking picture, a tale of a dysfunctional dynasty ruling a kingdom inherited by Cleopatra, where Greek speaking monarchs governed a land that was not their own, culturally or nationally. Prepare to be spellbound by the captivating tale of Cleopatra, a story that shatters illusions and lays bare the raw nature of power in ancient Egypt. Abbott's gripping narrative will leave you in awe of the depths to which human ambition and cruelty can descend. Delve into this remarkable journey and uncover the truth of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt.