"The Night Operator" is a collection of thrilling railroad tales by Frank L. Packard. Set against the backdrop of rushing mountain rivers and perilous curves, the stories introduce a cast of characters whose lives are intertwined with the challenges of the railway. Packard's masterful storytelling brings to life the gritty, action-packed world of...More
Short storyCrime Thriller & MysteryStory collection
Frank Lucius Packard was a celebrated Canadian novelist. Born in Montreal, Quebec, Packard's literary genius was shaped by his education at McGill University and the University of Liège. Before venturing into the realm of literature, Packard pursued a career as a civil engineer for the esteemed Canadian Pacific Railway. The captivating tales that unfolded during his time on the railroad became the inspiration for his riveting railroad stories. This marked the beginning of his illustrious career as a writer, which soon transitioned into crafting a series of gripping mystery novels. At the forefront of Packard's literary legacy stands the unforgettable character of Jimmie Dale, who captivated readers in his thrilling adventures. The...More
Frank Lucius Packard was a celebrated Canadian novelist. Born in Montreal, Quebec, Packard's literary genius was shaped by his education at McGill University and the University of Liège. Before venturing into the realm of literature, Packard pursued a career as a civil engineer for the esteemed Canadian Pacific Railway. The captivating tales that unfolded during his time on the railroad became the inspiration for his riveting railroad stories. This marked the beginning of his illustrious career as a writer, which soon transitioned into crafting a series of gripping mystery novels. At the forefront of Packard's literary legacy stands the unforgettable character of Jimmie Dale, who captivated readers in his thrilling adventures. The enigmatic Jimmie Dale became an emblem of mystery and intrigue, leaving an indelible mark on the genre. The popularity of Packard's novels even transcended the written word, as several of his captivating stories were adapted into compelling films. In 1942, Frank Packard's remarkable journey came to an end, as he passed away in Lachine, Quebec. He found his final resting place in the serene surroundings of the Mount Royal Cemetery in Montreal, leaving behind a timeless literary legacy that continues to captivate readers.
Book Summary
"The Night Operator" is a collection of thrilling railroad tales by Frank L. Packard. Set against the backdrop of rushing mountain rivers and perilous curves, the stories introduce a cast of characters whose lives are intertwined with the challenges of the railway. Packard's masterful storytelling brings to life the gritty, action-packed world of railroad workers in the second half of the Nineteenth Century. While not detective stories, the narratives are rich with adventure and emotion, appealing to readers who love stories of bravery and camaraderie.