"The Hyborian Age," penned by Robert E. Howard serves as a fictional backdrop for a collection of imaginary tales and should not be misconstrued as an attempt to challenge established history. When Robert E. Howard embarked on crafting the Conan stories, he meticulously constructed this "history" of Conan's era and its inhabitants to imbue his...More
Robert Ervin Howard was an influential American writer, renowned for his diverse contributions to pulp fiction. He is best remembered as the creator of Conan the Barbarian and is hailed as the pioneer of the sword and sorcery subgenre. Born and raised in Texas, Howard spent the majority of his life in Cross Plains, a town that shaped his literary pursuits. Although Howard's greatest triumphs were posthumous, his works captivated readers far and wide. Notably, it was within the pages of Weird Tales that Conan the Barbarian was born, forever altering the landscape of fantasy literature. With Conan and a host of unforgettable heroes, Howard played a pivotal role in shaping the sword and sorcery genre, inspiring generations of authors. Today,...More
Robert Ervin Howard was an influential American writer, renowned for his diverse contributions to pulp fiction. He is best remembered as the creator of Conan the Barbarian and is hailed as the pioneer of the sword and sorcery subgenre. Born and raised in Texas, Howard spent the majority of his life in Cross Plains, a town that shaped his literary pursuits. Although Howard's greatest triumphs were posthumous, his works captivated readers far and wide. Notably, it was within the pages of Weird Tales that Conan the Barbarian was born, forever altering the landscape of fantasy literature. With Conan and a host of unforgettable heroes, Howard played a pivotal role in shaping the sword and sorcery genre, inspiring generations of authors. Today, Howard's works continue to captivate readers, with his timeless tales being reprinted and celebrated as some of the best-selling fantasy literature of all time.
Book Summary
"The Hyborian Age," penned by Robert E. Howard serves as a fictional backdrop for a collection of imaginary tales and should not be misconstrued as an attempt to challenge established history. When Robert E. Howard embarked on crafting the Conan stories, he meticulously constructed this "history" of Conan's era and its inhabitants to imbue his sagas with a heightened sense of authenticity. By adhering closely to the "facts" and essence of this historical framework, Howard found it easier to visualize Conan as a palpable and lifelike character, transcending the realm of mere invention. Throughout the narratives set across the diverse realms of Conan's Age, Howard remained steadfast in his dedication to the "facts" and spirit of this fictional history, akin to how writers of historical fiction honor the truths of actual events. This carefully constructed "history" has remained Howard's steadfast guide throughout the entirety of this captivating series.