In this story, a small steamer named the Bulldog is on its journey, but the crew faces a problem with their drunk engineer. The crew includes the captain, mate, and a boy who were transferred from their sailing barge to the steamer. The engineer's drunken behavior causes a heated exchange between him and the crew. He eventually jumps into the...More
William Wymark Jacobs was an English author of short fiction and drama. Jacobs wrote several other ghost stories, as well as many humorous stories that often focused on marine life. Jacobs also wrote 18 plays and adapted many of his own short stories for the stage. Many of his works were published in the Strand magazine, which provided him with financial security for many years.
William Wymark Jacobs was an English author of short fiction and drama. Jacobs wrote several other ghost stories, as well as many humorous stories that often focused on marine life. Jacobs also wrote 18 plays and adapted many of his own short stories for the stage. Many of his works were published in the Strand magazine, which provided him with financial security for many years.
Book Summary
In this story, a small steamer named the Bulldog is on its journey, but the crew faces a problem with their drunk engineer. The crew includes the captain, mate, and a boy who were transferred from their sailing barge to the steamer. The engineer's drunken behavior causes a heated exchange between him and the crew. He eventually jumps into the water, forcing the crew to chase after him in a boat...