The story revolves around Reverend Pendlebury and the rumors surrounding his past. The narrator, an elder in the church, is informed by Cephas Bonner that there are rumors about Pendlebury's history, suggesting that he was once a professional gambler out west. The story explores the tension between the town's perception of gamblers as sinners and...More
Richard Edward Connell Jr. (October 17, 1893 – November 22, 1949) was an American author and journalist. He is best remembered for his short story "The Most Dangerous Game" (1924). Connell was one of the most popular American short story writers of his time. He had equal success as a journalist and screenwriter, and was nominated for an Academy Award in 1942 (Best Original Story) for the movie Meet John Doe (1941).
Richard Edward Connell Jr. (October 17, 1893 – November 22, 1949) was an American author and journalist. He is best remembered for his short story "The Most Dangerous Game" (1924). Connell was one of the most popular American short story writers of his time. He had equal success as a journalist and screenwriter, and was nominated for an Academy Award in 1942 (Best Original Story) for the movie Meet John Doe (1941).
Book Summary
The story revolves around Reverend Pendlebury and the rumors surrounding his past. The narrator, an elder in the church, is informed by Cephas Bonner that there are rumors about Pendlebury's history, suggesting that he was once a professional gambler out west. The story explores the tension between the town's perception of gamblers as sinners and the character of Reverend Pendlebury...