The story is set on Pluto, a cold and airless world. Two men are stranded there after their spaceship crashed, and they have to make a perilous journey back to Base Camp, which is 10,000 miles away. The plot revolves around their struggle for survival and their attempt to return to safety. The two men face harsh conditions and isolation but are...More
Short storyCrime Thriller & MysteryScience Fiction
Manly Wade Wellman was an iconic American writer whose works spanned various genres. Born on May 21, 1903, Wellman's literary contributions left an indelible mark on the realms of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and more. While his science fiction and fantasy stories graced the pages of renowned pulp magazines, it was his association with the legendary Weird Tales that solidified his place in literary history. Wellman's vivid imagination drew inspiration from the Appalachian Mountains, weaving captivating tales that embraced the rich folklore of the region. Known as "the dean of fantasy writers," Wellman's storytelling prowess extended beyond the realms of the fantastic. He ventured into historical fiction, detective fiction, western...More
Manly Wade Wellman was an iconic American writer whose works spanned various genres. Born on May 21, 1903, Wellman's literary contributions left an indelible mark on the realms of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and more. While his science fiction and fantasy stories graced the pages of renowned pulp magazines, it was his association with the legendary Weird Tales that solidified his place in literary history. Wellman's vivid imagination drew inspiration from the Appalachian Mountains, weaving captivating tales that embraced the rich folklore of the region. Known as "the dean of fantasy writers," Wellman's storytelling prowess extended beyond the realms of the fantastic. He ventured into historical fiction, detective fiction, western fiction, juvenile fiction, and non-fiction, showcasing his versatility and skill in captivating readers across genres. Residing in North Carolina for much of his life, Wellman's connection to the region added an authentic flavor to his Appalachian tales. His numerous accolades included the prestigious World Fantasy Award and Edgar Allan Poe Award, testaments to his literary excellence. In recognition of his enduring legacy, the North Carolina Speculative Fiction Foundation introduced the Manly Wade Wellman Award in 2013. This esteemed award pays tribute to other North Carolina authors of science fiction and fantasy, honoring the spirit of Wellman's remarkable contributions.
Book Summary
The story is set on Pluto, a cold and airless world. Two men are stranded there after their spaceship crashed, and they have to make a perilous journey back to Base Camp, which is 10,000 miles away. The plot revolves around their struggle for survival and their attempt to return to safety. The two men face harsh conditions and isolation but are driven by their will to survive and reunite with their companions at Base Camp. Additionally, there is an underlying theme of longing and the human need for connection, as one of the men had a romantic interest in a woman on the mission who has already left Pluto, and he grapples with the emotional impact of her departure.