Lightfoot the Deer

Lightfoot the Deer

Thornton  Burgess Thornton Burgess


Autumn should have been a season of contentment for the inhabitants of the Green Forest. Food was plentiful and all the young creatures born earlier in the year had been taught how to look out for themselves. It should not have been a sad time, but it was — because of the hunters and their long guns! Lightfoot the Deer was especially concerned....More
Child Literature Novel

Thornton Waldo Burgess was born in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. He was a conservationist and wrote many children’s stories featuring the wildlife, with characters such as Peter Cottontail, Jimmy Skunk, and Grandfather Frog. A prolific author, he produced over 15,000 stories collected in over 170 books.

Publish Date : 04 Nov 2020

Reading Time :

Chapter : 40


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