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Poetry, Communication & Empowerment

Poetry, Communication & Empowerment

Jyotirmaya Thakur Jyotirmaya Thakur


‘This book on Poetry is a true guide to learn and understand poetry in a wider perspective. If poetry is at bottom an expression of life and if it be by virtue of life which it expresses that it makes its special appeal, then the ultimate secret of the interest must be sought in its essentially personal character. Poetry, according to her is a...More
Article & Essay Article collection

Jyotirmaya Thakur (retired Principal) is the author of twenty-six books . Multi - genre award winning poet of more than 300 awards from literary and humanitarian organisations. A reviewer, translator, columnist, researcher, spiritual, social and environmental activist. She serves on various prestigious Committees as International Ambassador in many literary and humanitarian organisations. Her work has been published in more than 500 anthologies, magazines internationally and translated into many languages. She is invited to prestigious Literary festivals as a special guest.

Publish Date : 18 Mar 2021

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Chapter : 17


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