Echoes of Suspense (Short stories)

Echoes of Suspense (Short stories)

Neil Bhate Neil Bhate


"This captivating collection features thought provoking stories. Translated into English by the talented Neil Bhate, my 15-year-old grandson from Sydney, each narrative unravels a mystery, leaving readers eager to discover what happens next. The stories are infused with passion, curiosity, and excitement, prompting deep contemplation. Moreover,...More
Crime Thriller & Mystery Horror Stories Story collection
Buy Paperback ₹ 184.00

Publish Date : 13 Apr 2023

Reading Time :

Chapter : 14

₹184.00 ( POD)

Reviews : 0

People read : 8

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Purchases (POD) : 21

Pages : 113

ISBN : 9789359100005

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