In "The Blue Star," Fletcher Pratt crafts a captivating fantasy tale set in a parallel world where psychic powers have elevated witchcraft to a science. The hereditary witches possess a mystical talisman, the "blue star," granting mind-reading abilities. Lalette Asterhax, a hereditary witch, and Rodvard Bergelin, an ordinary clerk turned...More
Science fiction (sci-fi or SF) is a genre of speculative fiction that typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science and technology, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes, and extraterrestrial life. It has been called the "literature of ideas", and often explores the potential consequences of scientific, social, and technological innovations.
Science fiction, whose roots go back to ancient times, is related to fantasy, horror, and superhero fiction, and contains many subgenres. Its exact definition has long been disputed among authors, critics, scholars, and readers.
Science fiction (sci-fi or SF) is a genre of speculative fiction that typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science and technology, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes, and extraterrestrial life. It has been called the "literature of ideas", and often explores the potential consequences of scientific, social, and technological innovations.
Science fiction, whose roots go back to ancient times, is related to fantasy, horror, and superhero fiction, and contains many subgenres. Its exact definition has long been disputed among authors, critics, scholars, and readers.
Book Summary
In "The Blue Star," Fletcher Pratt crafts a captivating fantasy tale set in a parallel world where psychic powers have elevated witchcraft to a science. The hereditary witches possess a mystical talisman, the "blue star," granting mind-reading abilities. Lalette Asterhax, a hereditary witch, and Rodvard Bergelin, an ordinary clerk turned revolutionary, find their lives entwined in a larger scheme. Forced to flee the empire, they embark on an adventurous journey, discovering deeper truths about themselves and the world they inhabit. With rich imagination and skillful storytelling, Pratt delivers an enchanting blend of intrigue, romance, and self-discovery, making "The Blue Star" a must-read for fantasy enthusiasts.