"Venus in Furs" by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch delves into the intricate realms of desire, power, and submission. This novella centers on Severin von Kusiemski's intense yearning to be enslaved by a woman, his ideal of cruel dominance embodied by the captivating Wanda von Dunajew. Set against the backdrop of 19th-century Europe, the story explores...More
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Book Summary
"Venus in Furs" by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch delves into the intricate realms of desire, power, and submission. This novella centers on Severin von Kusiemski's intense yearning to be enslaved by a woman, his ideal of cruel dominance embodied by the captivating Wanda von Dunajew. Set against the backdrop of 19th-century Europe, the story explores themes of obsession, longing, and the complex interplay between pleasure and pain. The book's impact extended beyond literature, coining the term "masochism" and leaving an indelible mark on psychiatric vocabulary. This passionate portrayal of sexual submission unfolds in an exquisitely crafted narrative, evoking primal forces of human passion and self-destruction. "Venus in Furs" challenges conventions, delving into the paradoxes of love and cruelty, beauty and terror, offering readers a compelling exploration of the profound, often unsettling depths of desire and its all-encompassing nature.