Bratton's Idea

Bratton's Idea

Manly wade Wellman Manly wade Wellman


The basic plot of the story revolves around the character of old Bratton, a janitor at the studios of Station XCV in Hollywood, who has a secret obsession with creating life using electricity. He has gathered a collection of machinery and equipment in his apartment and is attempting to bring figures to life using electrical stimulation...
Short story Crime Thriller & Mystery Science Fiction
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Manly Wade Wellman was an iconic American writer whose works spanned various genres. Born on May 21, 1903, Wellman's literary contributions left an indelible mark on the realms of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and more. While his science fiction and fantasy stories graced the pages of renowned pulp magazines, it was his association with the legendary Weird Tales that solidified his place in literary history. Wellman's vivid imagination drew inspiration from the Appalachian Mountains, weaving captivating tales that embraced the rich folklore of the region. Known as "the dean of fantasy writers," Wellman's storytelling prowess extended beyond the realms of the fantastic. He ventured into historical fiction, detective fiction, western...More

Publish Date : 30 Sep 2023

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