Jonas on a Farm in Winter

Jonas on a Farm in Winter

Jacob Abbott Jacob Abbott


The story revolves around Jonas, Oliver, and Josey as they engage in farm work, particularly hauling wood in the winter. The narrative also introduces a stray dog named Franco who becomes a part of their adventure. The theme includes teamwork, cooperation, and the importance of obedience and leadership in accomplishing tasks effectively.

Jacob Abbott was an acclaimed American writer of children's books. Born in Hallowell, Maine, Abbott's literary prowess captivated young readers for generations. His educational tales blended entertainment and enlightenment, providing a foundation of knowledge to eager minds. Abbott's path began at Bowdoin College, where he graduated in 1820. His studies at Andover Theological Seminary further shaped his intellect, and he embarked on a career as a teacher and pastor. Abbott's commitment to education led him to establish the Mount Vernon School for Young Ladies in Boston and later serve as principal at Abbott's Institute and the Mount Vernon School for Boys in New York City. As a prolific author, Abbott's pen gave life to over 180 books,...More

Publish Date : 30 Sep 2023

Reading Time :

Chapter : 11


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People read : 180

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