

Alice duer Miller Alice duer Miller


The concerned mother, Mrs. Royce, seeks help for her troubled daughter, Celia, from the great alienist, Dr. Despard. Dr. Despard visits their home and is impressed by Mrs. Royce's exceptional care and attention to detail in creating a peaceful environment. During a meeting in the library, Mrs. Royce complains about her butler's forgetfulness, and...More
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Alice Duer Miller was an influential American writer whose poetic words resonated with political significance. Born on July 28, 1874, in Staten Island, New York, Miller hailed from a prominent and affluent family. Her upbringing in Weehawken, New Jersey, alongside her parents and sisters, fostered her passion for literature and activism. Miller's poetry emerged as a powerful voice during the American suffrage movement, stirring change and influencing political opinion. Her feminist verses ignited a sense of empowerment and challenged societal norms. Beyond her poetry, Miller also showcased her literary prowess through novels and screenplays, exhibiting her versatility and storytelling prowess. Despite her family's loss of fortune during...More

Publish Date : 13 Jun 2023

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