The Influence of Brain-Power on History

The Influence of Brain-Power on History

Sir norman Lockyer Sir norman Lockyer
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Sir Joseph Norman Lockyer was a brilliant English scientist and astronomer. Born on May 17, 1836, in Rugby, Warwickshire, Lockyer's passion for science was ignited by his father, a pioneer of the electric telegraph. After receiving a conventional education and traveling through Switzerland and France, Lockyer worked as a civil servant at the British War Office. Lockyer's fascination with astronomy, particularly the Sun, led him to become an avid amateur astronomer. In 1885, Lockyer achieved a remarkable milestone by becoming the world's first professor of astronomical physics at the Royal College of Science. There, he established the Solar Physics Observatory and dedicated himself to groundbreaking research until 1913. Beyond his...More

Publish Date : 13 Jun 2023

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