What Inhabits Me?

What Inhabits Me?

Robert moore Williams Robert moore Williams


In a remote observatory on Pluto, Craig Randall and other scientists witness the return of the Andromeda, a deep-space ship that had been missing for twenty years. The crew of the Andromeda refuses to disclose details about their journey, leading to suspicion. Meanwhile, Adam March, an old man with a keen interest in the Andromeda, seems troubled...More
Short story Science Fiction
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Robert Moore Williams was an esteemed American writer known for his captivating science fiction tales. Born on June 19, 1907, in Farmington, Missouri, Williams discovered his passion for storytelling early on. After graduating from the Missouri School of Journalism in 1931, he embarked on a remarkable career that would span decades. Williams made his debut in the science fiction realm with the publication of "Zero as a Limit" in Astounding Science Fiction in 1937. Under the pseudonym "Robert Moore," he introduced readers to his unique narrative style and imaginative worlds. From that point forward, his literary output was ceaseless, captivating readers with his vivid imagination and thought-provoking ideas. His final novel was published in...More

Publish Date : 28 Sep 2023

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