• 28 January 2024

    Take a Break!

    Take a Break!

    0 28

    In continuation to the previous write up on modernization, this time I observed a severe lack of time and common sense. As usual I was on my way to drop my kid to his music class. The signal we cross doesn't have any traffic police to look after the rash driving or maintenance of waywardness on the square. As a result many cars and two wheelers pass from any direction, and thus causing danger and putting those on risk who follow the rules obediently.

    I wonder what could happen if we wait for merely two minutes...it barely takes few minutes for signal to change the colors. Why we are in so much rush.? Let us guess, Where they all must be heading to...a restaurant, a workplace or coaching or for some other purpose. We people are so adept in calculating; where our benefit lies, then how much difficult it is to understand that what time margin we should to take, before leaving for destination, taking in consideration, in case, if there would be any traffic or jam.

    The point here is, no matter how much educated somebody is, if one does lack common sense, all the qualifications are face palmed. Sometimes this general knowledge is manifested by those who are least expected to acquire that.

    The question is where we are heading to..? Not only in literal way but in philosophically also. Moving ahead in personal life or in blind baseless competition with others. Though the time is running,yet we have enough to pause and decide where to go and what to do. Our sensitivity towards other peoples determines our Worth and real qualification.

    So, take a break; think for a while and then pick up your pace.

    Keep moving and stay active!


    Nishi Manjwani

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